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A well-Known patient at an MTM clinic has been newly diagnosed with psoriasis. The patients PCP cans the pharmacy and asks for a recommendation to start therapy until the patient is able to consult a dermatologist in a few weeks. Which recommendation would beMOST appropriate for the pharmacist to make'
Answer: C
Which guideline BE ST describes a daily nutrient goal for a patient who is following the DASH diet?
Answer: B
A pharmacist is providing a race-to-face MTM session to a patient that the pharmacist has not seen for 5 years. The session lasts for 45 minutes which group of CPT codes should the pharmacist submit for billing?
Answer: A
Which reverse-transcriptase inhibitor used in the treatment of hepatitis B virus MUST be taken on an empty stomach (i.e.. more than 2 hours before or after a meal?
Answer: B
which question would MOST effectively elicit the frequency at which a patient takes prescribed propranolol?
Answer: B
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